Uffa10      10' boat from Jacopo Faggioni


This project is a tribute to the great Uffa Fox, who always tried to build fast and surfing boats.

I would like to thank:

Ottavio di Biasi, the inspirator, from which 'the project came about'.
Guido Ratti, the builder, who provided us with a masterful quality.
Aurelio Proserpio, the reckless customer, who has trusted us.


The Uffa10 boat is part of the "diecipiedi" class (www.diecipiedi.it)
It's a boat designed for the best racing performances thus fitting a user-friendly use.
To reach such satisfactory results we used a modular-type arrangement.
The chine hull has a open dihedral to support the surf.
The sides are vertical to grant the largest waterline beam while keeping the boat size narrow
The result is a vessel suitable for light winds: sailing flat downwind and on edge upwind.
When the wind increases the small width couldn't grant the stability of the boat:
to overcome this problem there are two side terraces.
This allows the crew to take a more external position and to increase the righting torque.
In this situation, we get a nervous and fast boat with a particular aptitude for surfing.
Its behavior will be next to a skiff of greater dimensions.
If you prefer a more relaxed sail you can add two side-hulls instead of the terraces.
The result'll be a much more stable trimaran monohull hence.
Such choice could also fit when you want to reach great performance in strong winds without
reducing sail.
Not only for the hull but also for the rig we have different options.
1) just one mainsail (cat rig) of 6sqm (64.6 sq.ft.).
2) just one mainsail (cat rig) of 8sqm (86.1 sq.ft.).
3) one mainsail and one jib (sloop rig) for a total surface of 8 sqm (86.1 sq.ft.).
The first option suits newer sailor or people who prefer an easy sailing trip. The mast is without
staysail and placed in central position.
The second option is the most performancing and it suits a skilled helmsman. With strong wind it
requires gymnical ability when the skiff configuration is in use. Less skilled crew can reach
satisfactionary performances with a trimaran configuration.
Also in this case the mast is without staysails but is posed in advanced position.
The third option is less performing than the second but more adaptative, so that it is the best for a
user friendly use: the mainsail can be reduced by one or two reef, the jib can be furled. Also a
gennaker can be used to improve the performances.
When using a trimaran configuration the cruise is really easy. The mast has staysails and a forestay
and is placed on the deck next to the cockpit
Lifting keel and rudder allow easy landing on a beach.


The Uffa10 is a tipical chine boat in marine plywood.
It's provided with the design of the moldes, to be placed on the construction site, on which will rest
the plywood panels.
The material is okume marine plywood thickness of 6 mm (1/4")
The transom has a thickness of 10 mm (3/8")
The panels can be glued one to each other with the help of a wooden profile of square section along
the edges.
Otherwise the panels can be joined with the aid of a ribbon of glass fabric and epoxy resin (method
"stich and glue").
Once built the basical elements of the hull(bottom, sides and transom), apply the profiles of
reinforcement and support of the other elements.
These profiles are, in the prototype, ayous (also called samba or obeche), but could be any other
wood as long as light and elastic as linden, maple, pine or spruce.
Above the profile trellis we shall place a double bottom deck to obtain a self-draining hull.
The deck'll close the bow.
The panel between the deck and the cockpit bottom create a large reserve of buoyancy and in such a
way the hull become unsinkable.
To end our work we shall place the gunwale upon the sides to create a sort of a bench to seat during
the sail.
I remain, of course, available to answer to those who want more information.
Have a good sail.

Jacopo Faggioni

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last update  3/21/2012

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